Have to admit: I haven't spent a great deal of time thinking about the NCAA news from earlier this week.

In any other time in late April and early May, this would have consumed us all for weeks. As it stands now, there's other earth-shaking news out there as we try to process how much and how long the pandemic is going to change our lives.

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The pay-for-play issue is a polarizing topic for sure, and with that most opinions are going to be ardently for or ardently against.

I don't find myself firmly in either camp. So apologies in advance for those who came to this space seeking a hot take.

On one hand, my position for a while now has been that major college athletics long ago ceded the moral high ground on the whole amateurism thing. That ship began to sail a long time ago when universities began allowing television networks to dictate schedules. And of course it continued when the bountiful fruits of immensely popular programming began filling the coffers of major conferences, and thus flowing into the bank accounts of football coaches.