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FSU O-Line embracing fresh start, new approach with Clements

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First-year offensive line coach Randy Clements shares some pointers with his players at practice.
First-year offensive line coach Randy Clements shares some pointers with his players at practice. (Gene Williams/Warchant)

With his barrel chest, scruffy beard and deliberate gait -- undoubtedly the result of playing in the trenches for years -- Randy Clements looks the part of a grizzled, ill-tempered, foul-mouthed offensive line coach.

And that persona likely is in him somewhere -- perhaps reserved for a time when he has players who are lacking motivation and inspiration.

But that isn't the Randy Clements who has been working with Florida State's offensive line during the first two weeks of spring practice -- at least not during the portions that have been open to the media.

This Randy Clements is a teacher. A molder. An encourager.

"This is where you establish everything. Right here," Clements told his players before a rudimentary blocking exercise Wednesday. "Don't slight yourself in this drill."

Clements' voice is strong but not threatening. He wears a baseball cap, but it doesn't appear to be used for whipping players' helmets, a la former longtime OL coach Rick Trickett.

There may be a time for that down the road. But it's not now. Not with this group.

After several seasons of poor offensive line play -- with the absolute worst coming last season when the group was decimated by injuries and other attrition -- Clements clearly has a reclamation project on his hands.

The former Houston and Baylor OL coach not only needs to identify five competent and competitive linemen to give Florida State's offense a fighting chance, he also needs to develop some depth. And he's clearly not turning his back on any of the candidates.

"He's a great teacher," junior center Baveon Johnson said. "He understands that we're gonna learn differently -- some verbal, some physical, some you've got to see it (visually). ... He can explain it through many different ways."

And he does it with a different demeanor.

"I'm used to getting yelled at by my previous O-Line coach," Johnson said with a laugh. "He's a chilled-back type of dude. I'm used to getting cussed out and stuff."

While Clements won't be confused with a Sunday School teacher, the one consistent in his coaching methods appears to be delivering a positive message at all times -- even when correcting mistakes.

On Wednesday, Clements ran a drill where two linemen were supposed to engage a blocking sled, drive it high into the air and then push it downfield. After a couple of steps, one of the linemen would release the sled and then run to take on a linebacker at the second level.


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