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BECOME A SUBSCRIBER AT!'s Monday Insider is THE place to be for hardcore Clemson football fans who follow recruiting.

You won't find more exclusive, detailed, Clemson recruiting intel anywhere else. We guarantee it!

MONDAY INSIDER (For subscribers-only)

Highlights from today's Insider include ...

-- The latest we have on Mt. Pleasant (Mich.) offensive lineman Andrew Dennis.

-- What we are hearing on four-star offensive lineman Elyjah Thurmon of Hinesville, Ga.

-- Our Monday update on Hoover (Ala.) four-star linebacker Bradley Shaw.

-- The latest on Charlotte (N.C.) five-star offensive tackle David Sanders Jr.

-- What our contacts told us over the weekend regarding McDonough (Ga.) offensive lineman Favour Edwin.

-- Today we unveil a prospect about to head to the NCAA Transfer Portal Clemson's staff is already evaluating.

-- And further details on the NCAA recruiting dead period this week and of course the Transfer Portal opening in a few days.

MONDAY INSIDER (For subscribers-only)


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