Published Sep 11, 2020
Clemson Student-Athletes Create Special Collection UNITY Design T-Shirt
Staff reports

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CLEMSON | In an effort to show solidarity and continue to use their platform for change, Clemson student-athletes have joined together to create a “UNITY.” design. The mark was designed by the student-athletes and is available for sale immediately.

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The movement towards creating a shirt that represents the athletic department’s unity came from a Tigers Unite town hall meeting in early July. Anthony Hines, one of Clemson’s assistant director of student-athlete development, said, “At that meeting, a group was established to come up with ideas for our movement. That’s where C.O.D.E. was reestablished and a request for a shirt was made.”

ORDER your CLEMSON UNITY shirts HERE (click on COLLEGE, then Clemson Tigers)


C.O.D.E. stands for Commission on Diverse Empowerment and is represented by members of every athletic team at Clemson with a unified mission of educating and highlighting the importance of cultural diversity.

“We hope this design creates more conversations within Clemson homes," said Hines. "Whether it’s with a peer or someone in your family, we hope that conversations happen about what's happening around the world and how we can change it."

The student-athletes aim to influence other schools and groups to be unified and embrace diversity on their teams and at their universities.

A portion of the proceeds will be directed to support select, local Clemson organizations that enhance Unity and Inclusion in their overall mission. A different organization will be chosen by student-athlete vote at the end of every quarter.Student-athletes will wear the “UNITY.” shirt on many game days.

Fans can purchase the shirt HERE (click on COLLEGE, then Clemson Tigers)

Scores / Schedule
10 - 4
Overall Record
7 - 1
Conference Record
2024 schedule not available.